Thursday, June 19, 2008


For the last few days, all I thought about was Dispatch’s idiotic decision that Brice and I be on the same team. Pure bullshit! Not to mention the guy hasn't even been around for the last few weeks. He's completely dropped off the radar. I think Terra said she'd seen him a few times at the office, but all that that means is he still has to pay rent. You can turn your back on citizens who need you, but you can’t turn your back on the landlord. Some team player he turned out to be.

Aside from Brice, there is also Sha'Donna, Graig, Cheryl and Marci. I don't really understand the line-up. From what Terra said, Brice is the leader of the team, because he is the most tactical – supposedly the thinker. Craig has the stealth, on account of the whole water thing and Cheryl and Sha'Donna are both second wave. I don't really understand how they could still be on active duty if they are both pregnant – but maybe Rico and Blair were wrong.

Marci was probably the best thing that happened to this team, aside from me. We represent the front line. The way she fights and shoots electricity is like watching dance. Her movements are hypnotic. Hell, the more I think about it, the team could have been just the two of us. But, no – that's not the case. We've got a guy who doesn't show up to save the world, a guy who plays in toilets and two ladies who could potentially give birth to multiple wet pets. This is the makings of a mess.

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