Thursday, September 11, 2008


I think today may have been one of the better days I’ve had in a long time. Today, I got a message from Dispatch saying that Brice was put on special assignment and is no longer the team leader. Who could have asked for a better message – except if Brice was swallowed whole by Snuffles… Obviously Snuffles has finer tastes in food.

So, while I was doing cartwheels, elated that I wouldn’t have to see Brice’s face, Dispatch follows up with the note that ShaDonna was now the team leader. I couldn’t really believe it, considering she’d be off on maternity leave in a few more months. I couldn’t help but think that Dispatch has some hateration in him.

All in all, I thought it was a good enough reason to take in some drinks with the fellas – celebrating my new freedom from Brice. While Ean wasn’t returning calls, apparently he was really upset about getting drenched by giant sea-monster birthing fluids, I was able to reach Marc and Derek – a recent add on to the Urban 30. Time to get smashed!

I wonder if some folks would say I have a drinking problem?

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